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The Future of Social Media Marketing: - ARTICLE GATE



The first modern social media platforms were developed and opened to users in 1997. The primary aim was to connect people from different regions and facilitate communication.

Get this in your head.

Social media has developed rapidly in less than three decades. While maintaining its original purpose, it also created a platform for businesses to grow their brands. Many popular B2B and B2C businesses have leveraged high-traffic platforms like Instagram and Facebook to create a brand identity among their target audiences.

Future of Social Media Marketing

Not surprisingly, this era of social media marketing has just begun. To stay relevant in the eyes of their customers, brands must constantly adapt to the changing trends that define the social media landscape. They are also advised to follow the latest research and consumer trends in the market.

Stay with us as we examine the future of social media marketing and understand trends that can help you develop content ideas for your social media .

Increase in Original Content on Instagram Reels

When Instagram first introduced reels on its platform, there was a 15-second limit. The main purpose of this feature was to help creators engage their audiences and reach a more diverse group.

By 2022, the maximum duration for each reel has been increased. Users could now post videos of up to 90 seconds to better convey their ideas. While seemingly minor, it was a significant change that allowed brands to create original content that engages users.

In 2022 alone, the reels achieved 1.95 percent engagement; this rate is much higher than Instagram posts or videos.

This trend isn't likely to stop in 2023, as Instagram reels are a creator-friendly tool. It includes built-in editing and customization options to help you create engaging campaigns.

Reasons to Use Instagram Reels in 2023

Widespread Use of Artificial Intelligence

Social media platforms are already equipped with artificial intelligence to analyze user datasets and turn them into revenue AI promises to be more accessible by 2023 and help social media marketers maximize the effectiveness of their campaigns.

Widespread Inclusion of Artificial Intelligence

First, it will facilitate labor-intensive tasks such as obtaining information about users interacting with your content. Based on the analysis of customer interaction with your brand, AI will also suggest more targeted content and identify relevant audiences. You can also use it to endorse the most effective social media channel and help create effective ads.

Reasons to use artificial intelligence in 2023

  • Redirects productivity to more important tasks by reducing manual work
  • Increases overall company revenue through smart planning and targeting using customers' pain points
  • Extracts insights from large datasets to provide reliable insights into buyer traffic and intent

More Focus on SEO and Keyword Research

The statistic below is surprising to say the least. It has been found that 40% of Gen Z rely on Instagram and TikTok to satisfy their search queries. Therefore, a solid SEO strategy is the need of the day. Optimizing keywords is imperative to help your content rank organically in the SERP and drive traffic.

More Focus on SEO and Keyword Research

The emergence of short video formats and other visual media means users want a graphical explanation of their queries. Browsing their social media increases knowledge retention by enabling them to connect with resources that provide this explanation with visual cues.

Reasons to Adopt a Solid SEO Strategy in 2023

  • Help users discover your brand and showcase your value.
  • Build expertise in a specific area to prove your credibility to potential clients.

A Touch of Gated Content

Content marketing has always been very popular in the market. Many brands have communicated their values ​​through white papers, blogs, and other content.

While free content can be an effective marketing tool, it's equally important to remember the power of gated content.

A Touch of Gated Content

There are mutual agreements on what content is considered "high value" on the Internet. Such content cannot be provided unsolicited. That's why brands started creating a wall asking for user information before allowing them to access the content.

Reasons to Use Gated Content in 2023

  • Receive voluntary information from users to send targeted promotional messages.
  • Demonstrate your value through a well-researched piece of content.
  • Drive organic traffic to improve lead generation.

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