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Ways to raise low self-esteem - ARTICLE GATE

Self-esteem refers to the value a person places on himself. 
Having ideal (high) self-esteem also positively affects the individual's outlook on life. Self-confidence, personal development, setting goals, producing, positive perspective, etc. contribute to the development of approaches.

Low self-esteem can negatively affect your quality of life. Negative experiences such as genetic factors, bad environment, physical appearance, health, low socio-economic status, bullying, exposure to violence, failure, disappointments, traumas can cause you to develop a low self-perception. People with low self-esteem may also have behavioral problems such as depression, anxiety disorder, harmful substance use, shyness, and social phobia.

Despite these negativities, it is possible to transform low self-esteem into Ideal Self-esteem. The fact that self-esteem can change over time shows that it is possible to raise low self-esteem. Self-esteem does not stay at the same level throughout life and may follow a course of ups and downs. However, higher ideal self-esteem is also important for a good quality of life. It is necessary to take action to transform low self-esteem into ideal (high) self-esteem.

What you can do to raise low self-esteem to ideal (high) self-esteem:

 Value Yourself

In this world of billions of people, there is not one more of you. So be more understanding and compassionate towards your one self. Don't judge him with negative judgments and bad labels. Don't blame yourself for your mistakes. Be forgiving and compassionate. Learn from your mistakes.

Value yourself. If you don't value yourself, your environment won't value you either. The more you value yourself, the more you believe in what you can do and achieve. As negative thoughts and labels are replaced by positive thoughts and labels, your self-confidence will increase and it will consolidate over time. Give yourself the value you give to others. Do not index being valuable to the value that others will give you.

-Know Yourself

Self-esteem is the opinion you have about yourself. As Yunus Emre mentioned in his words "There is only one me, inside of me", there is an essence within us, a self that is our inner voice. First of all, you should meet your inner self, discover it and chat with it. The way you look at him is the foundation of your self-esteem. The more you know and know yourself, the stronger your outlook on life will be. Take time for yourself. It is important to be alone for a while, to talk to yourself, to talk to yourself, to evaluate your past, to plan your future and to live in the moment. Realize your core's outlook on life, goals, aspirations, problems, hopes, and develop a positive outlook towards yourself.

-Turn Negative Internal Labels into Positive Internal Labels

The first step in changing your perspective about yourself in a positive way is to turn the negative labels you have pasted on yourself into positive ones. The “lazy, incompetent, unlovable, unsuccessful, useless, worthless, etc.” that you stick to yourself. Intrinsic labels such as self-labels are labels that cause you to develop a low sense of self. Your experiences, the bad situations you are in, and the judgment of your environment can reinforce your negative statements. But it should not be forgotten that these negative labels that you attach to yourself also affect your behavior. Based on these behaviors, your loved ones around you can form sentences that reinforce your internal negative labels. “You are lazy, nothing will happen to you, you are shy, you are incompetent, etc. “You continue to burden yourself with these negative feedbacks. Everyone is aware that I am nothing, you say. But the point you missed is that the source of negative feedback from your environment is that you judge yourself harshly with negative labels. If you replace negative labels with positive labels and take action by believing those labels. Along with your positive behavior changes, you will see that you receive positive feedback from your environment. Positive internal labels will bring positive external labels, and your low self-esteem will eventually turn into ideal self-esteem. If you replace negative labels with positive labels and take action by believing those labels. Along with your positive behavior changes, you will see that you receive positive feedback from your environment. Positive internal labels will bring positive external labels, and your low self-esteem will eventually turn into ideal self-esteem. If you replace negative labels with positive labels and take action by believing those labels. Along with your positive behavior changes, you will see that you receive positive feedback from your environment. Positive internal labels will bring positive external labels, and your low self-esteem will eventually turn into ideal self-esteem.

Challenge Your Negative Thoughts and Beliefs

In order to turn your internal negative reinforcers into positive reinforcers, address your misconceptions about yourself and your environment and present evidence against them. If you have the thought that I am an unloved person, I am a loved one, my family values ​​me. Replace that thought with positive thinking by presenting evidence that I have friends who want to spend time with me. Thus, you replace the internal label I am an unloved person with the internal label I am a loved one. Believe wholeheartedly in the positive thoughts you say to yourself and the positive labels you put on yourself. Change will continue with believing and valuing yourself.

-Make a List

Take note of the positive labels (I AM VALUABLE, I AM SUCCESSFUL, I AM TALENT, etc.) that you substitute for the negative labels. Also write down positive feedback from your environment. Post it where you can see what you've written. Start your day by reading these positive labels when you wake up every morning.

-Set Goals

After you have positively changed your internal reinforcers, you can continue with setting short-term goals. First, identify your areas of interest and abilities. Then, set short goals that are easy to do and will do you good. (Doing simple movements that will relax your body every morning) As you achieve these goals, your self-confidence will increase over time. As self-confidence increases, you can take more decisive steps to set long-term goals. (Registering the gym and working within the given program)

As you realize the short and long-term goals you have set, your perspective on yourself will change positively, as well as your perspective on life will change positively. Be assertive about achieving your goals, believe in yourself.

Build Positive Relationships

Review your relationships with your friends who hurt you, criticize mercilessly, and don't value you, and if possible, don't share the same environment with them. If this is not possible, explain your discomfort to them. If their behavior persists despite this, end your relationship or distance yourself.

-Find Situations That Lower Your Self-Esteem

Identify the reasons that lower your self-esteem and bring you down. Make an effort to solve the reasons that lower your mood. If you don't like yourself physically, do sports. If your friends who dropped your mode, review your friends etc..

-Take a Sample

If you have an idol that you admire, you can take him as an example. Clothing style, outlook on life, hobbies etc. You can imitate whichever feature will contribute to your change.

-Feel the Power of Saying No

Individuals with low self-esteem are not good at saying no. If you want to have ideal self-esteem, you must be able to say no to something you don't want. However, if you have your own principles and red lines, you can have character and take a firm stance. Saying no forms the basis of a solid stance.

-Do Social, Artistic, Physical, Sportive Activities

The most ideal places to gain social, artistic, physical and sportive skills are the courses opened. Follow the courses (theatre, photography, dance, etc.) opened in your location. To raise your self-esteem between these courses, enroll in a training in the field you need. Playing a musical instrument, having a fit appearance, expanding your social circle can help you have ideal (high) self-esteem.

Don't forget to be physically flexible, too. Be active, stretch your body. Inactivity makes you clumsy. Walking, stretching, yoga, etc. increases your flexibility and makes it easier for you to take action.

Be Well-Groomed and Dress Carefully

Being well-groomed, whether male or female, is necessary for you to be valued by your environment. In addition to being well-groomed, you should determine a clean and careful clothing style. Being stylish always attracts attention. This attention you draw on yourself can contribute to your feeling good and self-confident.

-Read a book, do research, follow the agenda

Increasing your cultural background will make it easier for you to express your opinion on many issues in social environments. Giving different information on various topics in your conversations can prevent the conversation from being blocked and save you from being a boring person. Don't forget to keep abreast of current events, popular TV series, movies and music.

-Get Out Of The Routine

You cannot be different and remarkable by doing ordinary things. Try not to get lost in your routine life to increase your self-esteem. Get different hobbies instead of doing the same things every day. Instead of always going the same way to work, try a different route. Instead of spending time in the same places and with the same people all the time, discover different places and meet new people.

-Live in the Moment

It is very important to focus on the present moment in order to know and love yourself. As time passes, we oscillate between the regrets and memories of the past and the worries and dreams of the future. That's why we can't recognize the moment we're in. Focusing on the moment will help you enjoy life and have a positive outlook on life. Remember: Man is made up of the moment. Every moment we live is life itself.

-Train Your Brain on Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is associated with happiness. Seeing the glass half-full, well-being, being grateful, and having a positive outlook are a skill that leads to happiness. Acquiring this skill is essential for your self-esteem to evolve into ideal self-esteem.

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