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What is Positive Psychology and Why Is It Important? | Key to Happiness- ARTICLE GATE

 Think well, get well.” Perhaps it has been one of the phrases we hear the most in our lives.

Books are written on positive psychology, optimistic thinking or the importance of positive thinking, blogs are shared, and even discussed at length on television programs and Youtube channels.

You see, everyone favors not invoking evil.

Maybe all the breaking starts here. We may have misunderstood what we are after, or we may not understand at all.

Let's take a look at what positive psychology is and what it is not.

What is Positive Psychology?

The term was first used about 60 years ago under the title “Towards a Positive Psychology”, the last chapter of Abraham Maslow's book Motivation and Personality . Moslow expresses that the science of psychology does not focus enough on the positive:

“Psychology is much more successful on the negative side than on the positive side, which is; while revealing much about human deficiencies, diseases and crimes; It tells us little about their potential, virtues, attainable desires, and psychological well-being.” (Maslow, 1954 cited by Demir and Türk, 2020).

According to Moslow, psychology should now also deal with people's strengths and potentials and help develop them.

American psychologist and researcher Martin Seligman, the founder of this field, emphasizes that positive psychology should support and develop people's strengths. This does not mean that weaknesses should be ignored. He says that both sides need to be healed and strengthened. The purpose of all these is to ensure that people are satisfied in life and to train high talents/geniuses.

What is the Purpose of Positive Psychology?

Positive psychology is often confused with positive thinking. Moreover, it is seen as self-help. However, this is a scientific study of what makes people successful. Therefore, it focuses on thought patterns that will help us act more functionally.

The goal is to understand and develop people's strengths and positive aspects. For this, the ordinary power, potential and virtues peculiar to human beings are scientifically examined. Once we realize our own potential and the power within us, the pleasure we get from life and the sense of satisfaction we feel will naturally increase.

What Makes Positive Psychology So Important?

We would like to talk a little more about why "positive psychology", which we define with positive sentences in almost every line, is so important. Thus, possible question marks and “Is it exaggerated?” We aim to enlighten your thinking.

Self-esteem, emotional intelligence, satisfaction, and realizing one's own potential are the pursuits of positive psychology. It is extremely important because a person can get rid of traumas only when he feels these emotions. Life becomes more livable when we become aware of our own talents, competences, and virtues.

It would be unfair to say that an approach with awareness, wisdom, common sense, and courage at its core is unimportant or of little importance.

What are Positive Psychology Values?

We mentioned that positive psychology is a relatively new field of science that was founded in 1998 by Martin Seligman. This science seeks to elevate the human experience rather than cure any mental health. Therefore, during his studies, Dr. Martin Ep. Seligman and colleague Chris Peterson scanned the world's great moral books and noted that there is a common set of virtues that are sacred in these texts.

They said that there are six basic virtues that are sacred to all civilizations and contain 24 character strengths. An individual who develops these character strengths can establish the ultimate development of the virtues and best manifest his own talents and genius.

The six core values ​​derived from Seligman's positive psychology studies are:

  • Wisdom
    • Curiosity 
    • love of learning
    • Judgment
    • Creativity
    • Emotional intelligence
  • Bravery
    • Manhood
    • Patience
    • Integrity
  • Humanity
    • Kindness
    • Full of love
  • Justice
    • Citizenship
    • Justice
    • Leadership
  • Moderation
    • Will
    • Precaution
    • Humility
  • transcendence
    • Appreciation of beauty and perfection
    • Gratitude
    • hope
    • Spirit
    • forgiveness
    • Humor
    • Flavor

How to Be a Positive Person

Are you looking at the glass half full or half empty?

Your answer to this timeless question may actually reflect your outlook on life, your attitude towards yourself, and whether you are optimistic or pessimistic. Which side you stand on actually affects your mental and physical health in many ways. Positive thinking, which usually comes with optimism, can be one of the most effective methods of managing stress and trauma.

If you're on the half-empty side of the glass, don't worry because you can learn how to manage negative thoughts!

Understanding Positive Thinking and Self-talk

Being optimistic about our experiences does not mean that we ignore or postpone life's problems. We think that as all people, we hang out at this point the most.

Positive thinking means approaching negative events in a more optimistic and productive way. It's our belief that the best can happen even in the worst, not the worst. Believing this usually starts with an internal conversation.

Inner conversations are millions of unspoken thoughts running through our minds simultaneously and in an endless loop. Some of the conversations stem from logic and reasoning. On the other hand, a large part of it may be the result of lack of knowledge, expectations, fears and even wrong judgments.

So, let's examine step by step together how we can improve the flow of thought based on logic and reasoning.

Recognizing Negative Thinking

Sometimes we don't even realize how negative our thoughts are. Let's get to know it step by step and learn how to manage it.

  • Filtering

It is the stream of thought through which the glass is always half-full. Negativities are magnified. It is often not even noticed that it is done so.

  • Personalization

When something bad happens, don't automatically blame yourself and get personal. For example, an evening with your friends has been cancelled. You can automatically assume that the change in plans was because no one wanted to be around.

  • Generating Disaster Scenarios

Even in the event of a small problem, it is always thought that worse will happen. Let's say we got the wrong orders at the cafe we ​​worked that day, got the homework date mixed up, or forgot a file that we should have uploaded.

  • accusations

We either intensely hold ourselves accountable for what happens to us – we see ourselves as a trouble magnet – or we constantly throw the ball at others. It is the best way to escape from thoughts, feelings and problems.

  • Magnifying Glass Effect

The most correct expression in our language to meet this is: Making the flea a camel! It is the stream of thought through which we magnify even the smallest problems and make them unsolvable.

  • perfectionism

Of course, it's only natural to want to be in a good place in life. But when the measure of even the good runs out, it turns into bad. It is a state of emotion in which we push impossible boundaries and what we have is not enough.

  • polarization

It is a perspective where we look at our lives only in black or white, where there is no room for grays. However, there is always a middle ground in life.

Tips for Developing Positive Thinking

We can heal our negative thoughts. This process is quite simple, but it may take some time to become a habit.

Everything will get easier when we internalize the following steps.

  • You need to identify the fields that need to be changed

First of all, it is necessary to determine in which areas (work, school, relationship) we are worried. We can then make a list of what we can do to improve this situation. The goal is not to take big steps. Taking baby steps and then transforming ourselves into our best self.

  • You should take care to control yourself

If you find that you have a predominantly pessimistic outlook, you should try to find out how you can better manage and improve your thinking.

  • Rose - Even laugh

A developed sense of humor is one of the most fun ways to deal with problems. Try to replicate the moments in your daily life where you can laugh. The moment you become pessimistic, you must allow your mind to be entertained.

  • Try to make a healthy life your lifestyle.

Exercising for 30 minutes at least three days a week will positively affect your mood and reduce stress. However, you should take care of keeping your body fit.

Sleep! Sleeping regularly and waking up rested from sleep will increase your productivity and awareness during the day.

  • Surround yourself with positive people

Negative people can increase your stress level. Moreover, they may make you doubt your coping mechanisms with stressYou should take care to be with people who support you and have an optimistic point of view.

  • You should increase your inner talk

We are always more cruel to ourselves. This is one of the most dangerous things we can do. Try to take care of yourself by following simple steps. For example, you shouldn't say something to yourself that you wouldn't say to anyone else.

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