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Cancer Screening Test - ARTICLE GATE


What is Cancer Screening Test?

Some tests help find certain types of cancer before signs or symptoms of the disease appear, so the tests to find these types of cancer are called cancer screening tests The goals of cancer screening test are to reduce the number of people who die from various types of cancer and to completely eliminate all deaths due to these diseases.

Each type of cancer has its own screening tests, so the same test cannot be done for every cancer type. Although some types of cancer currently do not have an effective screening method, expert professors are actively working to develop new cancer screening tests and eradicate this deadly disease.

Types of Cancer and Tests Performed

Cancer is the general name of many diseases that carry the risk of death, which affects the lifestyle of the person negatively by leaving the routinely working cells from working systematically, multiplying unnecessarily, rapidly dividing and spreading to other tissues and organs. You can apply to get information about this disease, which is treated by specialist doctors at Private Ãœsküdar Hürrem Hospital, and have the necessary tests done, and you can start your treatment regarding the process you need to proceed in line with the results obtained.

Although not all, we can deal with the types of cancer that can be seen frequently, which we can consider on their own, as follows.

Breast Cancer

It is a type of X-ray specially designed to view the breast and cancerous cells that are likely to form in the breast. Images produced by mammography can show tumors or irregularities in the breast, if any. With this technique, which is generally called mammogram, early diagnosis is provided and many women are prevented from losing their lives due to breast cancer.

Three methods are used to determine the possibility of breast cancer before mammography.

  • Breast self-examination: With this examination, the woman should look for changes in her breasts with certain techniques once a week and should do this control frequently, especially with the age of 20. If he notices any changes, he should see a doctor.
  • Clinical breast examination: It is measured by a medical professional not looking for any changes in the size or shape of the breast and making a diagnosis on a case-by-case basis. The examiner should also look for changes in the skin of the breasts and nipples.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): It is not a method used for regular breast cancer detection. However, it is a device that can be useful for women who are at higher risk of breast cancer, have dense breasts, or have a lump detected during breast examination.

Cervical Cancer

It is a type of cancer that occurs in the cells of the cervix located in the lower part of the cervix that connects to the vagina. This type of cancer, which sometimes may not show any symptoms even until the last stage, manifests itself in the form of bleeding during sexual intercourse as the tumor grows, and unexpected bleeding in the postmenstrual or menopausal periods. Complaints that have a bad odor and cause severe pain in the person can be a symptom of cervical cancer.

Although cervical cancer screening tests play an important role in the determination of the disease, different tests are requested from the patient to detect cancer according to the complaints conveyed.

  • Cytology
  • cervicography
  • HPV Tests
  • Smear Test
  • Speculoscopy
  • Tomographic scans and blood tests are tests that may be requested from the patient to diagnose possible cancer.

Colorectal (Large Intestine) Cancer

It is a type of cancer that occurs with the emergence of digestive system problems in the large intestine and is frequently seen throughout the world. 
Colon cancer, which is also known as colon cancer and is in the first 5 rank among cancer types, can be detected in individuals after the age of 50, although it can be seen at any age. This disease, which occurs with the most common symptoms in the form of continuous diarrhea and constipation, thinning of the normal-thickness stool and blood coming from the stool, and liquid with the consistency of egg white from the stool, progresses in the form of painful urination. If you have a persistent large bowel problem and want to get information about this issue, you can share your complaint with the doctors of Ãœsküdar Private Hürrem Hospital and get information about your situation by getting the necessary tests done

Colon cancer can be detected by the following tests.

  • Colonoscopy: During this procedure, the doctor inserts a flexible, lighted tube called a colonoscope into the rectum. The doctor may check the entire colon for polyps or cancer.
  • Sigmoidoscopy: The doctor uses a flexible, lighted tube called a sigmoidoscope to check for polyps and cancer in the lower colon. The doctor cannot check the upper part of the colon with this test.
  • Fecal occult blood test (FOBT): With this test, the doctor allows the doctor to look for the possibility of finding blood in the stool or stool, which could be a sign of polyps or cancer.
  • Double contrast barium enema: This helps the colon and rectum x-ray, barium enema colon and rectum outline to stand out on the x-ray. Doctors use this test to screen people who can't have a colonoscopy.
  • Stool DNA tests: This test analyzes DNA from a person's stool sample to look for cancer. It uses DNA changes found in polyps and cancers to help a doctor decide whether a colonoscopy is necessary.

Lung cancer

Lung cancer, which occurs when the lung, one of the most important organs of the body, begins to cease to function, is defined as a mass located on the lung. It manifests as pain in the arm and shoulder, constant shortness of breath and progressively worsening coughing spells, chest pains, and bloody sputum, the biggest symptom. In order to detect these symptoms, the doctor requests an x-ray from the patient to reach the determined mass.

  • Sputum Examination (Sputum Cytology): This examination is an easy and successful test to detect the diagnosis of lung cancer. It measures the type of cancer, its spread and the stage of the cancer.

Prostate cancer

It is a type of cancer that ranks second in cancer-related death cases and is usually seen in men after the age of 50. The symptoms of this disease, which is mostly genetic but also occurs due to mistakes in the diet, can be said to be frequent urination, continuing to come in drops at the end of the urine, difficulty in defecation and erection problems.

  • Digital rectal exam: DRM is a test in which a doctor inserts a gloved lubricated finger into a man's rectum and feels the surface of the prostate for any irregularities.
  • Prostate specific antigen (PSA) test: This blood test measures the level of a substance called PSA. PSA is often found at higher-than-normal levels in men with prostate cancer. But a high PSA level can also be a sign of noncancerous conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the risks in Cancer Screening tests?

Screening tests help doctors detect the type of cancer at an earlier stage, initiate the treatment process according to this information and improve the patient. In cancer tests that are not in a specific risk group, the cancer test may give false results with a very small probability.

How are Cancer Screening Test Results Interpreted?

Changes in the body, even what you eat and drink during the day can affect the test results. For this reason, you must deliver the test requested by your doctor under the conditions specified. Depending on the type of test you have done and your test result, your doctor may interpret the test according to your blood level in the body.

Why is early diagnosis important?

With early diagnosis, it is possible to detect the cancerous cell before it begins to proliferate and spread to other organs, and to inactivate the cancerous cell by starting treatment. For this reason, the stages of the disease are determined by cancer screening tests and a treatment method is followed accordingly. Early diagnosis is especially important for breast cancer, cervical cancer, oral cancer, laryngeal cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer and skin cancer types.

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