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Starter Guide for Beginners - Step04 Keyword Analysis (Keyword Analysis) - ARTICLE GATE


4. Keyword Analysis (Keyword Analysis)

A keyword is the query words and phrases people use in search engines. "boot models" or "istanbul music courses" are keywords that we search for on Google.

Keyword research is the foundation of your SEO strategy. It helps you resolve your target market's thoughts, reservations, and wishes. This is because it gives you a great idea of ​​what potential visitors are searching for and all of the words and phrases they use. 

keyword analysis

How to Find Keywords?

You can do keyword research in many different ways. We can list some of them as follows

  • blogs
  • Google Trends
  • Social media
  • Keyword planners (like Google keyword planner, ahrefs, etc.)
  • Brainstorming (think simple sometimes creative)
  • Searching knowledge repositories such as Wikipedia
  • Google and youtube search parts, recommended

Keyword Research Considerations

  • Find keywords with high search volume and choose the most suitable ones to compete with
  • Which words were searched for your site (you can focus on them)
  • Perform competitor keyword analysis and compare
  • If you're looking for an e-commerce site, focus on marketing-appropriate words.
  • Choose between short tail and long tail keywords according to your SEO strategy

Short tail keyword: It covers search queries consisting of 1 to 3 words. “SEO fee” or “SEO Turkey” is a short tail keyword query.

Long tail keyword: Specific search queries that are longer than 3 words. “How much are SEO prices?” query is an example of long tail keyword.

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