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Making Money By Writing Articles - How to make money by Articles Writing - ARTICLE GATE

The digital world now promises us more than we expected. In addition to offering brand new business lines, it can also enable people to change their career preferences. As a matter of fact, making money by writing blogs or articles is one of the new areas that the digital world offers us. In our article, we discuss this concept and the online writing industry, where a new opportunity arises every day.

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In this article, we will talk about how to earn by writing an article. In this article, which should be read by everyone who trusts his pen and wants to make money by writing articles and blogs, we answer questions such as how to write an article, how to be a good article, how much money can be made by writing articles and blogs, how to become a freelance writer, as well as some websites where you can make money by writing articles. We will also introduce you to their website.

How to Write an Article?

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First of all, we would like to emphasize that the most important thing we need to specify in order to write an article or any article is 'reading'. It is almost impossible for someone who does not like or does not read to write, if they are not infused with supernatural powers. We write the next part of the article assuming that you, the reader, know that you need to read a lot of books to write, and that you have already read a lot of books.

If you want to make money by writing, you must first know how to write an article. The reflection of the word "article" in English as "article" in our language is slightly different. Because our articles are divided into two. Scientific articles are articles prepared by academicians in accordance with scientific rules, mostly empirical and published in various journals. Internet-language articles, on the other hand, are articles prepared as a result of extensive research on a specific subject and aiming to improve the reader on a subject.

The introduction of a novel can be an article in the language of the Internet, or what is really meant to be told in the words of a song. However, in order for an academic article to be accepted as an article, it must go through long ways and scientific tests. Therefore, anyone who wants to make money by writing should first be aware of this distinction and be respectful of the different contexts of the word article. Therefore, the phenomenon that we will define under the name of 'article' in this article actually covers instructive, interesting and regular articles published under the umbrella of content in the digital world.

So how do you write a well-edited article? First of all, we should state that every valiant has a yogurt eater. Everyone can have a writing style they feel comfortable with. However, there is also a stereotyped ritual during article writing.

1- Topic Selection

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The first thing the person who decides to write will do is to choose a topic. The more niche the chosen topic, the higher the probability of a large influence. We do not quite agree with the classic discourse of choosing things on the subjects you are interested in. Because sometimes the articles that the person writes in areas that he thinks are not relevant can be more successful. One of the reasons for this is that we can approach subjects that we are not very involved in much more objectively. It is possible to see the elements of sentimentality, albeit a little, in the article written by a content writer who is a supporter of Galatasaray, about the history of Turkish sports. There is also the possibility that a person who writes an article about what is told in the film of a director he loves may be insufficient to see the shortcomings of the director. This is a sign of maturity. Reaching maturity in writing takes time.

When choosing a topic, the adequacy of the resources should also be taken into account. Choosing topics for which there are not enough resources on the Internet can be advantageous as it can make your article stand out. However, if you do not have a source, this will negatively affect the quality of your article.

Another point to be considered is the degree of sensitivity of the chosen subject. Writings on political, spiritual, emotional issues are always very sensitive. The internet world is more sensitive than anything else. It is very likely that you will meet people who are sensitive or think they are sensitive about issues that you have not even thought of. A topic that was not a problem a month ago may suddenly become a taboo. That's why displaying a mid-traveler* character in your articles will help you, at least at the beginning of your career. Proven writers or bloggers don't have such worries, but those who are new to this world and in their infancy should be careful about this.

Apart from all these, there may be situations where you do not have to choose a topic. For most copywriters, having a ready-made topic ordered for you is actually a relief. The more niche and specific the subject title is, the easier the writer's job is. As Ä°smet Özel said, "Don't make me say what to do now, show me the water to be carried, the wood to be cut..." Many writers generally do not want to say what to do. It's usually a good feeling to know where the water to be transported and the wood to be chopped are.

2- Research Phase

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This stage is almost like rainy weather. Sometimes you enjoy every moment by taking long walks under it, and sometimes it can turn into torture. However, there is one thing we know that for those who want to earn money by writing articles, this stage is the most important part. Care should be taken to ensure that the sources used in research are objective, accurate and confirmable.

Some resources that can be used when doing research are:

Scientific Articles

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The most reliable sources that can be used will be scientific articles at this point. Sites where you can view scientific articles for free, such as Google scholar, Sci-Hub, Dergipark, display currently accepted and approved scientific articles. If an article is transferred to the online environment and published, it is very likely to be indexed by Google Scholar. This allows you to perform a unique resource search. In addition, if you have a foreign language - and it is essential for a digital content writer to know English at some point - you can get a lot of new information through articles published in foreign languages ​​on these sites. Such articles can sometimes be long, and sometimes they can be directly related to the result.


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E-books are also among the phenomena that have entered our lives more, especially after the pandemic. Now, we can access the e-book form of many books from our home without having to get up and visit the library. Let's face it, the best part of accessing an e-book is the possibility of ctrl+f. Let's admit it, sometimes it can be too much to read the whole book to reach some information. In this case, we can easily find the relevant chapters from the e-books we can access and obtain the information we need. It can take hours to do this in a physical book. In addition, due to the pandemic, many universities have transferred their libraries online and opened them for free access. 

Blog and Articles

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Of course, blogs and articles are among the resources that we will benefit from and that we like to benefit the most. Especially large-scale companies prepare the articles on their websites with great care. Generally, these articles are less likely to be misleading. Companies such as Semrush, Ubersuggest, Content Marketing Institute share very valuable information in their fields free of charge from their blogs. Moreover, many of these articles are prepared by experts in the field. Another benefit of reading these articles is that they are important for understanding what an article is like. Some of the articles published on the blog pages of these companies have been prepared by paid article writers in an SEO compatible manner. If you want to make money by writing, you should be familiar with these types of articles.

Online Courses

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Online courses, which are also one of the facts that the pandemic has brought us, are very valuable in terms of resource studies. Online courses, where you can access unlimited information in many areas, are often available at very low prices or free of charge for promotional purposes. There are many free courses you can take online on Github. Again, Udemy also gives some of its courses completely free from time to time. To take advantage of them, it will be sufficient to subscribe to the newsletters of these sites.

Educational Videos - YouTube

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A common saying nowadays is "I learned it from Youtube." Really, everything is on YouTube now. An Indian who gives you lengthy explanations about a technical issue, an American who teaches languages, a personal trainer who makes a sports program, an old and accentuated aunt giving recipes, a young friend who teaches you how to delete someone you don't like in photoshop... YouTube trash where you can find everything is always good can be used as a resource.

3- Determining the Titles

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We got lost in Google Scholar and took our notes, got bogged down in YouTube and suddenly found ourselves watching Arif's goal against Manchester, we took a free course on Github and learned more than we even aimed for, we thought how smart a friend called Neil Patel was and finally researched. We have completed our phase. We think we know more about the subject than necessary and we are ready to move on to the writing phase.

At this point, there is one thing we need to do first, and that is to determine the titles of our article. First of all, let's not forget that if we are going to write an article to be published on the internet, this article must be SEO compatible. You can access more detailed information about how SEO compatible writing will be in the later stages of our article. At this point, the section we will talk about will be the titles of the article.

Headings are essential for an article. While your article is indexed by Google, its titles are examined separately. These titles will also make it easier to read. While preparing an article you have prepared in Word, you should pay attention to the title types of the article. The buttons in the form of H1, H2, H3 that you see in the upper part represent the titles. They are ordered hierarchically. The main title of an article is selected as H1. Then the subheadings are determined as H2. If there is a subheading under the H2 headings, it goes on as H3 and H4. This system is a system that should be in every article and it is essential to follow.

While determining these titles, you should place the possible keywords in the titles in a way that is relevant. The more the searcher writes something similar to your title when searching on Google, the more prominent your article will be. Therefore, the prominence of an article is directly proportional to the success of the titles.

Deciding on the titles in advance also makes the article more tidy. While writing, you can flow without thinking too much about what to write, just by looking at the titles. If you haven't posted your titles beforehand, you may have trouble identifying topics and deciding which topic to talk about and how.

You know the subject, you have enough information, you have determined your titles... The rest is pure pleasure. You can now plug in your headphones and write your article.

4- Image Selection

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Of course, the article does not end here. As a good copywriter, it would be more accurate to determine the images of your article yourself. Because you best decide which parts of the text you write and which images will come. Some sites where you can choose and download free images: pexels, unsplash, freepik...

There will be some conditions for the image you choose to be approved by the software developer or graphic designer of the site you sent. One of them is the size of the photo. You must either submit the images you selected in their original size, or you will be asked to reduce their size. If the publishers want the original size, you can add the images you downloaded from these sites directly to your file and send them. If they want smaller sizes, you will need to compress these images. At the same time, having the same dimensions (dimension) of the images you choose will make the other party's job much easier. At this point, a trace amount of photoshop knowledge takes you a few steps ahead. But don't panic, there are websites on the internet where you can reduce the size of your images for free. Google "compress image"

After placing our images in our article, we are done! If you make this system a habit, you can prepare digital content in a very practical way. Over time, you will feel that you have accelerated a lot and connected to the automatic.

How Should a Good Article Be?

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In order to earn money and generate income by writing an article, the article must have certain characteristics. We will look for the answer to the question of what are the features of a good article to make money and how should a good article be. Writing an article does not mean that the article is publishable or will definitely be published. A good publishable article has three key elements.


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We would not be mistaken if we say that there is no hole that a quality article cannot enter. What is meant by quality here is that the article is valuable and adds value to the person reading it. Today, consumers do not just want to consume. They want to add value to themselves while consuming in every field. For this reason, the article should add value to the reader, perhaps make him look at it from a different angle, and sometimes teach a new knowledge. Sometimes the reader may just want to deepen something he already knows. It is essential that this analysis be done well.

When we talk about a quality article, we are actually talking about a total quality management. With its visuals, titles and words, it is of a wholesale quality... While reading an article that we expect to be educational and scientific, we may be disappointed when we see only the author's personal views in that article. When we see that there is not enough research on the article, the value of the article may decrease for us. Therefore, the article should make the reader feel that it is of good quality in every sense.


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The first bookmark in an author's web browser is the TDK. The article must be written absolutely without errors. It is one of the most important issues to follow the rules of spelling and to embellish your writing with sentences free from phrasing. Let's not forget that no matter what we say, if we do not write in proper Turkish and correct spelling rules, our article will go to waste. People have very, very low thresholds for reading an article full of speech disorders.

You can easily check the spelling rules from the MS Word program. Apart from this, there are many websites that do these checks online.


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The two biggest reasons why writing money has become an industry are SEO and content marketing. If you want to earn money by writing an article, you must ensure that the person you write the article for also earns. In order to achieve this, your article must be SEO compatible and meet the SEO requirements. The SEO compatible article will move the article to the top of the search engines. This is the most basic purpose of a content sharing.

If you say what is SEO , let's get you right to our article titled " What is SEO? ". If you already know what SEO is, let's continue here.

We said that after you decided to become a writer and took your first order, everything should be SEO compatible. Be sure to include the necessary keywords in your article, neither too much nor too little. We would like to give an important detail. You should write a brief summary of the main topic you describe in your article at the beginning of your article and use the keywords here. Search engines give more importance to the keywords in the first 200 words of the articles. In addition, using some keywords too much can prevent this word from being accepted as a 'keyword'. You have to be careful about this too.

You can do your keyword analysis by opening a Google Ads account or using free keyword planners on the internet. Sites such as Neilpatel, Mangools (KW Finder), Moz will help you with this. Keywords used to have to be in full order. However, in recent years, Google has prevented additional words from being a problem, especially in order to improve Google Ads performance. It is no longer so important to have extra words between the keyword you choose and the keywords typed by the searcher. Google algorithms show your text to the searcher. However, structuring your keyword as we call a long tail keyword will make you stand out. For example, Antalya If "Divorce law firms" is mentioned in the keyword of your article you have prepared for those looking for a law firm for divorce in Turkey, Google will display your article in a way when the searcher writes "Best Divorce Law Firms in Antalya". However, if there is another article titled exactly as the user is searching for, that article will appear first. The critical decision to be made here is up to you and the editors of the site where you will publish your article. For more detailed information on keywords and keyword analysis if there is another article titled exactly as the user is searching for, that article will appear first. The critical decision to be made here is up to you and the editors of the site where you will publish your article. For more detailed information on keywords and keyword analysis if there is another article titled exactly as the user is searching for, that article will appear first. The critical decision to be made here is up to you and the editors of the site where you will publish your article. For more detailed information on keywords and keyword analysis What is the keyword? How to do keyword analysis?  Check out our article. There are also sites where you can do free keyword analysis in this article. 

The free tools on will be very helpful when you make your SEO-related arrangements. For example , if you enter this link , you can test the title tag and meta description of your post. Do not forget to send the title tag and meta description that you have tested and decided on with your article as an attachment. It will add value to your work.

The other stages that must be done for a post to have a successful SEO degree are usually the technical stages, and the editors of the website you are dealing with will take care of this issue. However, we recommend that you learn SEO Surfer, one of the tools you need to know how to use to be a good content writer. You can read our article titled " Surfer SEO Serp Analyzer " published on our English website .

On Which Subjects Are Articles Written?

Right in this title of this article, we want to give you an example of one of the things you should do when writing an SEO compatible article. In fact, "What topics are articles written on?" We have already given some answers to the title. However, as a result of our research, we have seen that people search for the title of articles being written on which topics. We decided to add this title because we thought it would be useful for our article to be seen in the search results. Under normal conditions, if we had not done a keyword research on the internet while writing an article about making money by writing articles, we would not have known that it was necessary to put such a title and we would have missed an important topic.

There is no real limit to the topics of the articles written. A copywriter may have a job on a different topic each week. However, let's list which topics are generally covered in terms of article and content.

Content Marketing Articles

One of the most important actors that makes it possible to make money by writing articles is content marketing. For basic information about what content marketing is and how it is done, you can refer to our article " What is Content Marketing? ". You can also find content examples in this article.

As you will read in our article, content marketing is the production of content aimed at attracting or retaining a certain audience. These content need to add value to customers, be relevant to their interests, and be done on a regular basis. That's why companies that want to do content marketing always need quality articles and content. While these contents are sometimes prepared by the companies' own employees, sometimes they are also prepared by ordering the articles to the authors who sell articles.

As a copywriter, you can also write for companies that do content marketing and earn money by preparing articles for the strategies they set. You can also prepare and send a sample content marketing article to sites that you know are doing content marketing. If they like it, you can earn income by making a deal by saying that you will improve the scope and details of your post.


Blogging is one of the most common types of copywriting. Articles written on sites such as science, art, sports and magazines are either prepared by the editors of those sites or ordered by a content writer. These sites usually have their own copywriters and editors, but from time to time, advertisements for authorship may also be posted. Again, as in the example we gave above, it would be beneficial for you to try your luck by sending your portfolio of articles and one or more of your sample articles to these sites. Earning money by writing is a difficult task in the first place. You will need to prepare articles for many sites, but if you do not give up, you will definitely get feedback. It will be enough to show that you are a brave and talented writer who is not afraid to try new things.

Product Descriptions

The explosion in e-commerce, which is one of the results of the pandemic having a huge impact on two years of our lives, has created a great opportunity for those who want to make money by writing. Anyone who sells a product, from SMEs to large companies, sells this product not only physically but also online. It is up to copywriters to market the products sold online. The descriptions next to the products you see on many e-commerce sites, the literary articles praising the products are not made by the owners of the products, but by the copywriters who make money by writing. Every new product means a new product description. A new product description means an opportunity for copywriters to earn money. Therefore, this field in particular is very suitable for making money and seems to be a good source of income, at least in the medium term.

If you want to make product descriptions, you can contact a few websites, examples of which will be given below. Another option is to contact companies engaged in e-commerce directly. Remember, product descriptions must also be SEO friendly. The author who can make an SEO-compatible product description will always be a few steps ahead.

Product Comparisons

Product comparisons are from content prepared by some unbiased websites. These contents, which we can sometimes see as sponsored, are usually made by copywriters, if they are not prepared as a video. Since it is a slightly more niche field, writers are generally not freelancers, but permanent writers.

Company Introductions

Company promotions are also often done by copywriters. Firms in the institutionalization phase, businesses that renew their web sites usually agree with an agency. These agencies usually start with the introduction, mission and vision articles on the website. Afterwards, articles about the company are prepared on various company promotion sites.


Sometimes you see a celebrity publishing a book and you marvel at how that person wrote it. The books of people who do not have the time to write a book, who you believe do not have the knowledge to write a book, or who you think do not know anything about books, are very likely written by a ghost writer. We can say that ghostwriting is one of the highest stages of writing. It is also one of the most annoying but most profitable stages of making money by typing. Because ghostwriters must have proven themselves and have had experience writing long articles, articles and books. Since there is a serious difference between writing an article and writing a book, and it is sometimes very annoying to progress in a certain style, it is a difficult but high-income job.

Ghostwriting isn't just about writing a book. You can also write articles for blogs and portfolios that famous or influential people have set up for themselves.

Where will I write articles and where will they be published?

If you want to make money by writing articles, but you do not know where to write the articles and where these articles will be published, Whitepress will be a good starting point for you. First, open an account on Whitepress as a copywriter and fill out your profile completely.

There are three different lots available on the Whitepress portal. These are publishers, writers and advertisers. Advertisers are made up of people looking for people to print their content. These companies request a certain level of article on a certain subject. These requests are directed to the copywriters by the Whitepress team and the articles they need to prepare are forwarded to the relevant copywriters. The topics, titles and lengths of the articles to be prepared are notified to the copywriter by Whitepress.

To earn money as a content writer, you can also email publishers and become their staff writer. Because some publishers also provide authoring services. By identifying and contacting publishers who do not provide authorship services, you can find potential business partners, thus generating additional income.

Other than Whitepress, another option would be to send your article to advertisers you think might be relevant. You prepared a content in the field of fashion, you thought that this content could represent a shoe company. You can find the relevant company from search engines and offer them content. As we mentioned above, making money by typing is a grueling business and requires a lot of tries. If you try hard enough, you will definitely find the opportunity to earn a steady income, and perhaps you will be one step closer to being a freelance writer of your dreams.

In the following sections of our article, you can find sites where you can make money by writing reliably.

How Much Money Can Be Made By Writing Articles?

Let's get to the most asked question. Earning money by writing articles is challenging at first, but becomes routine after a while. In terms of income, we can say that there is no limit. While it is possible to earn a large amount of money at once, it is also possible to earn a slow and steady income. Therefore, it would not be correct to say that the business of earning by writing has such a net income. However, it is very possible for someone who has just started and completely devoted himself to this business to earn an average of 3000-4000 TL per month. It should be noted that a good copywriter can also earn this income by selling a single article.

Today, making money online has become easier compared to a few months ago. Article writers usually charge per 100 words. Since we do not have a stable inflation, prices are constantly changing, but at the beginning of 2021, prices per 100 words ranged from 2 to 5 ₺ for an average writer, while they are currently around 4 to 8 ₺. It may rise according to the quality of this article. For articles that comply with SEO rules, have scientific and instructive elements and produce value, wholesale prices can be given instead of per word.

For example, a 3000 word article is about 7-8 pages. Don't let 7-8 pages scare you, it's actually not very long considering the headings and paragraphs. Under normal conditions, it can be easily completed in 1 day, together with the research and editing stages. You don't spend all day writing, either. Because under normal conditions, a copywriter can write 5-6 pieces of an article of 500-600 words per day. Assuming you're a mid-range writer and earning $6 per word, it's possible to earn around $180 from an article. It is very, very good for article writers to make $180 a day by writing articles. Of course, it will take some time to reach this level and you must have proven yourself.

Giving a price of 6₺ per 100 words can lose you customers in the first place. Therefore, it would be more logical to focus on improving your portfolio instead of making money in the first place. We have mentioned many times before that you need to be patient to make money by writing articles. Therefore, act by knowing the market without being greedy in the first stages. Over time, the market will give you your price.

Apart from this, authors who prepare e-mail newsletters also have the chance to earn an average of 1000-1500₺ per month. E-mail newsletters are a system that includes compilation news prepared by web sites for their members, attracting customers to the site and announcing what is happening on the site. Thanks to a few websites to be purchased in this way, you can earn additional income and earn an eyeful amount of money.

How Do I Become a Writer?

We tried to answer the question of how to make money by writing as best we could. Finally, we would like to give you tips on how to become a writer, or rather how to market yourself as a copywriter.

In the first place, an author must have an accessible portfolio and profile. The best place for this is Medium is a global site where thousands of people write and share articles in their field. Since Google indexing is also very successful, you should definitely publish the articles you have written or will write on this platform in order to shelve yourself. This site offers you the number of times your articles are read, the likes they receive, and the time people spend on your articles as an information package. If you create a good profile and obtain solid statistics, you can show this information as proof of your work in your applications.

Another method is to set up a personal blog. Your personal blog about a certain topic will be the tool that best represents your portfolio. Even if you open your personal blog, we recommend that you transfer the articles you publish here to sites such as


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Although there is no upper limit to making money by writing articles, we can easily say that the more you write, the more money you can earn. As you progress in your field, your earnings will increase first and then your reputation. As your reputation as a copywriter grows, you'll find that you put in much less effort to earn than you did before. After you prepare an article and earn your first money, especially when you come to the end of each article, you will feel better and have a better command of this world. Finally, we must not forget that you should never stop reading. There's always a good book to read!

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