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Ranking High on Google: 5 Steps to Google First Rank Methods - ARTICLE GATE

Ranking High on Google: 5 Steps to Google First Rank Methods - ARTICLE GATE

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Since the day I entered the SEO industry professionally, I have been receiving and continue to receive very interesting questions. Many of these questions stem from the fact that our people do not really know our industry. Of course, some information is obtained by hearing or reasoning, but of course, this information is insufficient. In this article, I will address one of the most frequently asked questions,  the problem of ranking high in google .  What should I do to rank higher in Google ? In this article , I will share some information for 2021 google first rank methods.

You opened a website saying that our age is changing, technology is developing, we need to keep up. Your site can be an up-to-date information blog, a service website, or a music listening website, it doesn't matter. As I and many seo experts lived in the time, no one comes to the website you opened. From what you read on the internet, you are trying to do something, you spend time and effort, you may even be spending money, but it does not help. You know something is missing or wrong, but what? Getting to the top of Google is starting to sound like a dream to you, but it's not a dream. If the methods of getting to the top in Google that I will share are applied step by step and regularly, there will be no people without results. You won't even need to spend money up to a point, for youGoing to the top of Google will be free.

Addition: User intent is very important here, Brian Reis explained it very well. Seasonal calls are also important. The essence of the matter lies in researching what the user wants and how your page responds to this request.

Methods to Rank the Site Higher on Google

The Google website has a lengthy quality guideline for how a website should be. Many seo experts are doing/trying to do business unaware of this directive. You can read the directive here (in English). A site owner who pays attention to the 5 items I will write below can reach thousands of visitors within 2-3 months, even if he has just opened his website. These 5 items are general items, of course, there are hundreds of technical parts of the job.


Prepare in advance the service pages that you will open on your website for the services you provide. The content of all service pages should be at least 2000 words and be at a level to answer all the questions the customer (visitor) is looking for. Determine your most important keyword for each service page, but do not forget to use all keywords related to the focus keyword in the service details.

For example, my focus keyword in this article is to rank high in Google. However  , I also used side keywords such as getting the site to the top in google . (See: Bold Texts) You can get these keywords by opening an account from sites such as Ahrefs, Kwfinder, Keywordtool, or you can simply search on google and use the terms it offers you related to the subject + 10 queries that appear at the bottom of the search results.

Content is king, the higher the quality of your content on the service pages, the easier it will be for you to move the website to the top . A higher rank means more customers and more profits.

Technical Infrastructure and Seo Infrastructure

Speed: Speed ​​is one of the most important ranking criteria today. Your website should run at jet speed. If you are not a software developer, WordPress is the perfect fit for you. With a good server, a quality theme and the necessary optimizations, you can create a website that works very quickly and has a beautiful design. If your site infrastructure is wordpress, the plugins I use in almost all my projects are:

  • Yoast SEO (redirects for SEO analysis)
  • Litespeed Cache (A great cache plugin)
  • Wp Smush (Does visual compression)
  • Redirection ( performing url redirect )

You can use Gtmetrix, Pingdom and Pagespeed Insights to measure the speed of your website and find the actions that need to be taken on your slow site .

Content:  Your content should consist of at least 2000 words as I wrote above. You should have your focus keyword and side keywords. Yoast Seo guides you in editing your content. You should definitely avoid keyword spam, avoid link output to a site other than the focus keyword.

Keeping the Site Updated

Your site must have a blog section. You can provide the most up-to-date with blog posts. Whatever job you do, there will be hundreds of questions people google about your job. You can compile these questions from sites such as the adwords word planning tool, ahrefs and kwfinder, from the questions your customers ask you. On newly opened sites, at least 1 article should be entered to the blog every day for the first 2 months, articles should be written by choosing long tail keywords in order to get faster results. Articles should be at least 700 words long, Yoast SEO referrals should be taken into account for keyword ratio.

Site up-to-dateness is one of the things that should be taken into account but least paid attention to in the steps of moving the site to the top in Google . Your website is your showcase and your showcase needs to be kept up-to-date and updated.

Increasing Site Authority and Backlink Studies

The old ones know 🙂 in the past, Google used to evaluate websites according to their PR (pagerank) values. A newly opened site starts as PR0 and increasing Pr value was achieved with significant backlinks. Google removed the PR app because this feature was abused, but I guess the algorithm still works the same way from the bottom up. However, we no longer know the PR values ​​of our site. Ahrefs now has its own site scoring system, it gives DR (Domain Rating) and PR (Page Rating). In the same way, Moz has a scoring system, it gives DA (Domain Authority - Domain Authority), PA (Page Authority - Page Authority). According to my observations, I measured the most logical Moz values, the closest to the old PR values, as moz.

In the past, tables were made to increase the PR value, the table below is an example:

To summarize, for example, for a site to be promoted from PR0 to Pr1, it had to get backlinks from 25 different PR0 sites or 5 different pr1 sites or 1 PR2 site. To become PR4, it was enough to get backlinks from 89,692 PR0 sites or 660 PR2 sites or 25 PR4 sites or only 1 PR6 site.

Of course, these tables are outdated. When PR value was important, we would see that the higher your PR value, the higher your content was. This is where Domain Authority makes sense. Of course, it is not possible to make these measurements at the moment, but if we consider that the system works from the bottom up, we need to make inferences .

In order to make a site PR4, it was enough to get a backlink from 1 PR6 site instead of getting backlinks from nearly 90 thousand different PR0 sites. The basis of the phrase " Get backlinks from quality sites " , which is widely used today, is actually here. In order to increase the authority of your website, you should find quality sites and try to get backlinks from those sites.

Of course, there are rules for getting backlinks. In the past , it was enough to only get a backlink from the keyword to rank higher in google searches and to rise in the keyword, but things don't work like they used to. From the sites you get backlinks, you should get backlinks from keywords, sub-keywords, brand name, bare url, and even get them at a certain rate. These ratios can be found purely by trial and error. You should also mix Dofollow and Nofollow backlinks.

AdWords Ads

Seo experts generally do not like adwords ads. However, those who cannot keep up with change are doomed to extinction. Google is getting more and more "accustomed" to AdWords, which is one of the biggest monetization sources, and encourages them to use it. AdWords ads are now almost stealing 40% of organic traffic. AdWords ads appear at the top of searches, then map results, then organic results. If you want to rank my site higher on google, you have to use AdWords ads too. (I'm not talking about AdWords ranking).

As for the reasons, first of all, since SEO is a time-consuming process, visitors flow directly from the relevant audience. Your website gradually becomes a brand, as visitors from AdWords ads are directly matched to the site's target audiences. Google loves brand sites and as we will see in the coming years, brand sites will always be ahead. The relevant audience also has the possibility to share your website on social media, share it on related forums, so you gain social media signals and free valuable backlinks.

In addition, the adwords panel collects search terms related to the ads you give, these search terms consist of golden keywords. By grouping these terms, you can use them on the service pages on your site, and you can use them as a title for blog posts.

In addition, when you use the ad title that receives the most conversions and interaction in AdWords ads on your service pages, you witness organic ranking increases on your service pages.

As a result;

Ranking first in Google is a job that requires patience and effort. However , it is inedible that the site is in the first place in Google . A well-designed and very fast website, quality service page descriptions, up-to-date blog posts by paying attention to certain rules, authoritative articles from websites related to your industry, increasing your site authority and working regularly for a minimum of 3 months in any sector with adwords ads that you should use for a while. You can get serious traffic.

Notes :

As I mentioned above, Google Webmaster Guidelines should be read thoroughly and understood. Google has 210+ known ranking criteria, if we add the unknowns to these, it makes hundreds. The job has much more technical details (Structural data markup, Opengraph markup, Amp pages etc.) These are the much more professional and detailed parts of the job.

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