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Starter Guide for Beginners - Step 07-08 UX & SEO and FINAL STEPS - ARTICLE GATE


7.UX & SEO

UX (User Experience) is the user's experience while using your website. It contains many factors such as site speed, design, buttons, content quality, product or accessibility to a part of the site, site hierarchy, font sizes, color transitions. 

ux ve seo

As a good UX example;

If you can easily shop from an e-commerce site in a language you do not know, we can define the UX of that site as successful. Because, by using the right combination of many factors such as product cards, basket, credit card logos, navigation system, filtering and cargo system, a foreign user was able to make a purchase.


Search engine optimization has become a rapidly evolving position, forcing marketers to explore alternative methods. In the changing and renewed world of digital marketing, the best way to prepare for the future; is to implement a user-oriented strategy together with technical and content solutions.

Do not try to deceive an artificial intelligence giant like Google while providing SEO services and develop your websites without ignoring ethical values. By following the algorithms published by Google, you can shape your SEO techniques accordingly. 

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