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10 Exercises You Can Practice to Exercise at Home - ARTICLE GATE

 If you want to have a shaped body, lose weight or just do sports to protect your body health, but don't want to go to the gym, we have good news for you: You can do sports efficiently by doing some exercises at home too! So what moves do you need to learn to exercise at home?

The answer to this question is discussed in detail in the rest of our content. If you want to exercise in the comfort of your home and thus keep your muscles strong, we recommend you to review our list of movements that almost everyone can do easily. However, if you have a health problem or disability, it would be in your best interest to first consult your doctor and a professional sports trainer before starting sports at home.

Exercises that can be applied by those who want to do sports at home

Undoubtedly, everyone is aware of the positive effects of an active lifestyle on body resistance. However, many people can not find time to do sports, sometimes because of the intensity and sometimes because of being lazy. However, it is necessary to act with the awareness that doing sports is actually an investment that people make in themselves.

How about using the time left from daily hustle and bustle to invest in yourself? Moreover, when you feel the effects of the changes you will observe in yourself as you do sports at home, you will realize that this step is invaluable.

Of course, the exercises that we will recommend for you to practice at home will not be professional and instrumental like the exercises in the gym. However, you can be sure that these movements will be enough to make you feel good and happy. Here are 10 different types of exercises you can apply to do sports at home...

Step 1 Exercise

It is possible to do this exercise based on strengthening the cardiovascular system at home, in the office, at school, that is, anywhere. All you have to do is stay where you are, lift and lower one knee as if you were climbing a ladder, and then do the same with the other leg. 

If you try to do this movement with a weight in your hands, you can also strengthen your arm muscles. You can use a full laundry basket as a weight and you can raise and lower the laundry basket to shoulder height with each step movement. We recommend repeating each movement at least 5 times. 

2. Wall Sitting Exercise

Another exercise that will allow you to continue the sports process at home in a very practical way is the sitting movement based on the wall. To do this, first lean your back against a flat wall and slowly lower yourself by bending your knees as if you are sitting on a chair without breaking the contact of your back with the wall. 

When your upper legs are completely parallel to the floor, try to stay in this position for 15 seconds. You can find the opportunity to stretch your muscles by trying to extend this time a little more each time you do the wall sitting exercise.

3. Leg Muscle Exercise

Leg muscle exercise, also known as squat, can be defined as one of the most ideal movements for those who want to do sports at home . To try this exercise, squat down as if sitting in an imaginary chair and simultaneously extend your arms to pick up an imaginary object in front of you. Correct your position after this simultaneous movement.

Make sure that the leg range does not exceed shoulder level while doing squats. Every time you do this exercise, you may feel that your leg muscles get used to stretching and that you start to feel free after a while while performing the movement.

4. Standing Push Up Exercise

Did you know that you can do the push-up move that almost everyone knows well while standing? Moreover, thanks to the standing push-up exercise, you can find the opportunity to strengthen your chest and arm muscles. However, we must first state that you will need support from the wall, kitchen counter or dining table to make this move.

With about half a meter between you and the bench or table, place your palms on the edge of the bench or table and then move your body back and forth so that your toes remain stationary. Complete the move by repeating this push-up exercise 20 times.

5. Plank Exercise

Plank exercise can also be qualified as an effective body strengthening movement. To plank, first lie face down on the floor and then push your body up with your arms. Make sure your forearms and toes stay on the floor as you perform this move. If you have a hard time doing the movement, you can get support from your knees. 

You may experience a burning sensation in your abdomen, especially after completing this movement that works the abdominal muscles. But don't worry, this painful sensation is due to your muscles starting to work. As you continue to do the movement, you may witness that the burning sensation decreases as your muscles begin to stretch over time.

6. Burpee Exercise

We recommend that you do not push yourself too hard at the beginning while working on the burpee, which is an extremely effective but tiring exercise as it works the whole body at the same time. In this direction, for the burpee exercise, first open your feet shoulder-width apart and release your arms on both sides of your body.

Then start squatting as if you are doing a squat with your hands stretched out in front of you. Once you've reached the bottom, get into a push-up position, and then regroup and push yourself up to jump. In the meantime, you can get support by bringing your arms above your head. 

7. Sit-Up Exercise

The sit-up exercise, which is one of the most effective ways to burn fat in the abdominal area, is among the most frequently used movements by those who do sports at home. To do the sit-up move, first lie on your back on a flat surface and spread your legs hip-width apart, then bend your knees and press your feet to the floor.

In the meantime, support the neck area by clasping your hands behind your neck and lift your upper body with strength from your feet. Once your upper body is close to your knees, return to the starting position. By repeating this exercise 15 times in 3 sets, you can work the lower and upper abdominal muscles efficiently and tighten the belly area.

8. Cycling Exercise

Our next exercise; mainly aimed at working out the leg, abdominal and hip muscles. Similar to the previous exercise, for the bicycle exercise that you will do while lying on your back on the floor, stretch your feet into the air and bend your knees to try to ride the imaginary bicycle in the air. Try doing this exercise for one minute. But don't forget to clasp your hands behind your head during the cycling exercise.

9. Bridge Exercise

It is aimed to move the hip muscles with the bridge exercise, which is performed by lying on the back on the floor. In order to do this exercise, in which your body takes the form of a bridge while doing it, you have to bend your knees and push your hips with your heels to lift them off the ground. It is worth noting that your back and shoulders should not leave the floor at this time.

After raising your hips, you can wait 1-2 seconds and return to the starting position to complete the exercise. However, it will be beneficial to repeat this movement 10-15 times in 3 sets. 

10. Kick Back Exercise

Let's say from the beginning that the hip muscles will work again while doing this exercise. For the Kick Back exercise, first lie face down on the floor and then make sure your legs are hip-width apart. Then lift your body above your knees and hands. 

While you are almost in a crawling position, first extend your right leg back and lift it into the air. Then lower your leg, but raise it back into the air without touching the floor. After repeating the movement 15 times in this way, do the same exercise for your left leg. But remember, try to keep your legs as tense as possible while raising them.

You can check out our content titled Breathing Exercise Techniques to Reduce Stress Level for breathing exercises that you can apply anywhere you want, as well as the exercises you can apply to do sports at home .

Try not to miss sports, which are necessary for a healthy life, from your life. On the other hand, take care to eat healthy and rest to protect your health. In this sense, when you need to get away from the daily hustle and bustle and take time for yourself, let's also mention that Ã‡am Hotel will be the most ideal resting point for you with its location in the lush nature and the comfort of a 5-star hotel .

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